Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mari, 100 Days, and an Icy Time

Tuesday I had the opportunity to reconnect with a dear friend and to meet a new one. My friend Jill and I had lost touch over the past few years just due to busy lives, but I heard through the grapevine that Jill was going through the exciting process of adopting a baby from Ethiopia! Last week we got an adorable picture of this baby in the mail and learned that Jill's beautiful daughter officially became hers on January 2. I was dying to hear all about it and, of course, to meet Amari Roza, so after a few phone calls I tracked down Jill. Jill and Mari came over Tuesday night for a "playdate" for the babies and a catch-up time for the moms. Mari is a precious, beautiful, and content baby who will be a year old in March. While Mari and Carson crawled all around, Jill patiently showed me her pictures and narrated the entire journey (from the time she started the adoption process until she and Mari arrived in the US). I wanted to hear every detail. Of course, Aaron and Olivia were pretty fascinated by the pictures as well. I learned all about traditions and customs in Ethiopia--from the coffee ceremony that is performed everywhere (unfortunately Jill doesn't like coffee) to the shopping for Christmas dinner (apparently you find the guy who is herding his goats down the road and buy one. He marks it with a stripe to show you've bought it. Then you either come back later at your convenience for your goat or take it with you, on a leash or on your shoulders. And then you prepare that goat for your Christmas dinner. I cannot imagine myself doing this, just because we're so spoiled here in the US, I guess. When I start feeling independent or self-sufficient, I remember this about the goats, and I get over it. Women of Ethiopia, I am in awe.)

Jill and I also compared notes on everything important to new moms--the emotions we felt when we saw our little ones for the first time, the advantages of powdered formula over ready-to-feed, and the concept of homemade baby food. What a wonderful time. We are so happy for Jill and Mari and hope to get together again soon. If you want to learn more about Jill's incredible adventure and to meet her beautiful daughter, click here.

Amari Roza

Jill settling Mari down for the evening

Jill and I with our babies

Thursday was the 100th day of school. This is a big deal when you're in kindergarten. Aaron's class has been counting to 100 daily by one's, five's and 10's, so the 100th day is pretty exciting. Aaron had to take in 100 of an item of his choice (this can be tough--tell me, how many items do you have at your house that you have 100 of???) Aaron counted out 100 pieces of cereal, and his homework the night before was to group it in five's and 10's and count it that way. Kindergarten has been an exciting change for all of us. Aaron's teacher is really neat, and he is learning so much. Olivia is dying to go too!

Friday we had a "mini" ice storm--good for the kids and I, who got a day off, but bad for Steve who had to spend time on the snowplow. He claims that the roads were okay and we could have had school--but lucky for us, most school districts are very cautious with ice. We did laundry, read books, and even all took naps. The roads were fine by Friday night, when we got together with our "dinner group." There are six of us girls (just can't bring myself to say women) who taught together at the same school a few years back. Since then three of us have migrated to another school, but last year we started getting together once a month. When we are all there, there are six couples and eight small children. I am fairly confident that the number of children will grow in the coming years, although probably not from the Wright household! These friends have also been a true gift from God in our lives. I love these get-togethers every month. We enjoyed chicken parmesan and ice cream sundaes then had fun playing Apples to Apples, while the kids enjoyed what is probably Aaron's dream come true. Heidi and Dave were hosting, and Dave is a film expert. They literally have a theater set up in their basement. The kids got to watch Cars on the big screen with surround-sound! What a treat.

Tomorrow promises to be busy, as we've got a youth group dinner after church and are hosting Steve's family for the Super Bowl party that evening (yes, we are truly insane). This evening we made 3 pounds of hamburger BBQ, 2 pounds of cole slaw, and lots and lots of baked beans. We're doing calzones for the Super Bowl party before church tomorrow morning. Whew!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ALI!!! I was randomly thinking about you guys this morning and decided to "look" for you online!!! So glad I didn't give up after facebook and did a google search w/ all of your names in it!!!

Congrats on the new little guy!!! All of your kids are just gorgeous (and they all look soooo much alike!!!).

Email me so we can catch up!

Amy, David, Jonathan, Micah AND Elijah